Advanced LA

Advanced LA

Friday, October 2, 2015

Week 9: October 5-9

Parents - Thanks so much for coming to Parent-Teacher conferences; it was so much fun visiting with you about your terrific teens. I'm really enjoying them and am so glad to have them in my class.

This week we'll be really busy

Monday - Students should complete their Personal Narrative. This has been a great project with them learning how to enhance their writing with Smiley Face Writing tricks and transition words and phrases.

Tuesday - Students should have completed Under the Blood Red Sun and also completed the chapter 11-15 activity. We'll be discussing it in class.

Wednesday -  Today students will receive their the final 2 assignments for Under the Blood Red Sun: The chapter 16-22 assignment and the Novel Project.

Thursday - This is History Fair Day - students should have found their first 10 sources and have them recorded in their workbook or in a google-doc.
They need the following information for each source:
        * Bibliography information,             *source location,              *source type,
        *and general idea of what the source contains.
        (they will fill-in specific info and text to borrow later)

Friday - The Under the Blood Red Sun's chapter 16-22 assignment is due = we will discuss it in class and debrief the skills practiced during this unit and how they can apply they to other situations.