Advanced LA

Advanced LA

Friday, January 22, 2016

WEEK 23 - January 25-29, 2016

Students will complete their ACES/Explanatory essays Monday and the rest of the week they'll learn/practice prefixes and spend the rest of the time working on their history fair projects. It should be a fun and productive week - IF students submit their outlines so they can start organizing their projects.  2 I-Reads are due this week: #8 Monday (moved from last Friday) and #9 Friday.

Please note: I am very willing to work with students outside of class to help them with their history fair projects - they just need to make an appointment.

Here's the week at-a-glance:

Week 23:
Jan. 25-29, 2016
FLEX – SAGE interim completion
Jan. 25
Jan. 26
Jan.27  LA FLEX priority
Jan. 29
* last day in class = ACES essay
*SSR = i-Read #8 Due
*History Fair registration completed
* History Fair = creating a project
* History Fair = creating a project
* History Fair = creating a project *I-Read #9 Due