Advanced LA

Advanced LA

Sunday, September 13, 2015

WEEK 6: SEPTEMBER 14-18, 2015

Last week's History Fair's Basics was an informative introduction to the History Fair unit. This unit will continue 1-day-a-week (each Thursday) through March 17th, 2016.  It is extremely important for students to keep up on this important project-based unit.  Please make sure to ask me for help or if you have questions.

This week we will be moving into the Personal Narrative  and Japanese-Americans-during WWII units. These will occur simultaneously and will require some out-of-class reading.

Monday: We will complete the Personal Narrative's 1st draft, introduce transitions, and then apply those to a 2nd draft.
Tuesday: This is library day, and students will meet there. Besides choosing a reading book, students can complete last week's Ultimate Utah Expedition question if they didn't do that on our last visit. When we return to class, we will watch a short documentary about the Pearl Harbor attack.
Wednesday: We will begin with SSR & learn about a new genre in literature. Then, we will complete another Pearl Harbor activity before beginning the novel Under the Blood Red Sun.
Thursday: This is our scheduled History Fair day. Students will declare their topic, category, and if they are working alone or with a partner.
Friday: We will begin again with SSR & any bonus Book Commercials students want to share. We will finish the class with a Scope Magazine activity.
Also, i-Read Book Equivelancy #4 is due