Advanced LA

Advanced LA

Sunday, September 20, 2015


This is going to be another great week 
I-Read Challenge: one thing will make it really great is if all the students get their i-Reads in!!!! In fact, if everyone gets in all 5 by Friday, I'll bring treats next Monday!!!

Here's what we'll be doing this week:

     *It's a short day PLC day, so our time is limited.
     *Students will write their Personal Narratives' 3rd draft, learning about, and then adding, Smiley-
       Face Tricks, which are terrific ways to make their writing come alive!!
Tuesday: Progress reports go home today!!!
     *We'll start with SSR & i-Read check-offs for the first 10 minutes
     * We'll complete the Personal Narrative's 3rd draft and turn all 3 drafts back in - stapled together
     *We'll start with another literary genre & then have SSR & i-Read check-offs for 10 minutes
     *We'll finish the day with our Under the Blood Red Sun chapter 1-10 activity
        (this is moved back a day)
         NOTE: chapters 11-15 are due next Tuesday!!!
     *This is History Fair Day - we'll finish our bibliography practice & discuss any questions about
       documenting sources.
     *We'll finish the day with a reading activity:
            What are skimming and scanning and how are they important in history fair reading?
Friday:  This is Tri 1's Midterm
    *We'll start with bonus point book commercials - Hope we'll have some this week!
    * Then, we'll give the students some serious time to read their own books & pass-off their i-Reads.