Advanced LA

Advanced LA

Monday, November 23, 2015

2nd Trimester is going great. Students have completed their 2nd Trimester's benchmark tests,  have learned how to write OREO-style argumentative paragraphs, are actively reading their 10 required i-Reads for this trimester, and are reading/recording important information in their history fair project's sources. This is what we've been doing day-by-day:

Week 16:
Monday, November 23: Make-up day - students are able to read/get caught-up on their i-Reads, complete any OREO or creative writing, make-up any benchmark tests they missed, and passing-off read HF sources..
Tuesday, November 24: Geck-a-thon - support those running in this event + Vivid Verb Poetry

Thanksgiving Break:
Wednesday-Sunday, November 25-29: Thanksgiving break - be sure to have fun and READ i-Reads and History Fair sources!!!! Remember, all sources should be read/recorded by December 4th and the project outline is due before we leave for Christmas break.

Week 15:
Monday, November 16: Reading Benchmarks = STAR and GM vocab + SSR/i-Reads + HF reading
Tuesday, November 17: Reading Benchmarks = GM Comprehension + SSR/i-Reads + HF reading
Wednesday, November 18: Lion King = Literature in Action/School Play
Thursday, November 19: OREO paragraph-writing: Are Insects a Viable Source of Protein in the Future?
Friday, November 20: Creative Writing: Bus Stop to "Dream Where"