Advanced LA

Advanced LA

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Tri 3 Begins - February 22-26, 2016

Trimester 3 is the one where our honors students are pulling everything together.

This week we'll introduce, create, and complete the Battle of  the Super Heroes Argumentative essay.
In addition, the first i-read for this trimester will be due Friday.
We will NOT be working on history fair projects in class this week, however, students WILL be presenting them next week  (February 29-March 4) and all projects must be turned in before spring break.

Here's this week at-a-glance

Week 27:
February 22-26, 2016
Feb. 22
Feb. 23
Feb. 24  LA FLEX priority
Feb. 25
i-Read #1 due
*Intro Argumentation = Battle of the Super Heroes
* Argumentation = Battle of the Super Heroes
* Argumentation = Battle of the Super Heroes
* Argumentation = Battle of the Super Heroes
* Argumentation = Battle of the Super Heroes
*Essay = Due