Advanced LA

Advanced LA

Monday, December 14, 2015

Week 19: December 14-18

Hi class and Parents -

Because life has thrown me a real curve-ball and I will not be in class this Wednesday - Friday, students - you will have to motivate yourselves to complete your history fair project outlines and send them to me over the holiday. You should have them ready for this week, so if you do, share them before the break.
As you can see below, your week in class just got easier - but your work at home has been kicked-up a notch.
Many of you are right on schedule and have a clear vision of what you should be looking for in regards to sources and useful information for your history fair project; however, I am extremely concerned about a few of you - some have "0s" for i-reads and for history fair assignments - OUCH! You'd better send me a whole bunch of e-mails over the holiday showing me you are getting caught-up and are on the right track.
You are all incredibly bright and capable kids, so let's have your history fair projects and your grades reflect it.

Here's this week at-a-glance.

Week 19:
December 14-18
Students may be watching the movie The Good Lie  on Thursday and Friday if they finish the novel
December 14
Short PLC day
Midterms sent home
December 15

December `16 LA FLEX priority
December 17
December 18
Tomorrow Christmas break begins
*A Long Walk to Water
*HF Conferences
* SSR + i-Reads
*A Long Walk to Water
*ACES-OREO review
*HF Conferences

* SSR + i-Reads
* A long Walk to Water
* CFA – ACES & OREO paragraphs
* SSR + i-Reads
*The Good Lie ?
* i-Reads = #5due
*A Long Walk to Water
*The Good Lie?